{Welcoming Fall}

Do we have a choice? Summer is over despite the few weird 80 degree days we are getting out of nowhere. I know we will take it though becaus...

Do we have a choice? Summer is over despite the few weird 80 degree days we are getting out of nowhere. I know we will take it though because we know soon there will be...dare I say it? Snow. Yes I said it.  I'm expecting it and trying to not freak out. This end of Summer is a little sadder than usual for baseball fans as Derek Jeter is officially gone too. The end of an era. Yankee games will never feel the same. But change must happen, change is good they say.  I'm trying to adapt the same line of thinking.  I adore change - when I am ready for it and when things are changing in a direction that I like.  Isn't that everyone though?

Styles change, the earth changes, we ourselves change and so I guess instead of fighting it,
we need to welcome it...

The first signs of Fall

My guilty pleasure 

Sending off Summer with a trip to Yankee Stadium

Cooler temps call for a cozy hoodie

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